Why It’s Essential to Add Images and Visual Data to Direct Mail Campaigns

May 31, 2018 | News


If you’re managing direct mail campaigns you’re very likely already to be including images as you realise the difference they make. If you’re not, then you’re missing a massive opportunity with your campaign. Read on to learn why there’s a reason that the words “image” and “imagine” are so similar!

So why add images within your direct mail campaigns?

You’ll have heard of the expression “a picture paints a thousand words”. Well it’s true; images stimulate the brain both at a conscious and sub-conscious level. Even Napoleon once said: “A good sketch is better than a long speech”. Above all else in direct mail campaigns you need to do everything possible to stimulate the reader and increase response/conversion rates.

Research from Nielsen Group revealed:

Eye-tracking studies show internet readers pay close attention to information-carrying images. In fact, when the images are relevant, readers spend more time looking at the images than they do reading text on the page.

Source: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/photos-as-web-content/

Use powerful and colourful images

Having decided to include images and visual data in your direct mail campaigns the next task is to ensure they are as appealing as possible. Using bright and bold colours will provide a real contrast when using white paper. Think very carefully about your corporate livery and colour schemes and use these effectively in your campaigns. Also think about colours which could be negative for your company (e.g. the use of yellow to promote dentists or white for funeral directors, etc.) and avoid using them.

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The inclusion of visual data?

Data can be represented visually in many forms, check out our infographics and you’ll see many examples.

Text can be converted to visual data in the form of icons, bar charts, graphs, infographics, images, etc. Be imaginative and incorporate visual data into your direct mail wherever you can.

As an example, the inclusion of visual data like a bar chat with company/product statistics would be a great idea for a mailshot.

Images as a personalisation method

We have previously written about the power of image personalisation in direct mail campaigns. Using variable data printing techniques, images can be varied to personalise according to various factors associated with the recipient (e.g. age, gender, interest, where they live and behavioural analysis including past purchases).

This is a powerful technique, which will significantly increase campaign response rates and ROI.

Graphics communicate information quickly

Graphics are processed rapidly by the brain; infact 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual in nature. Research has shown that graphics are processed 60,000 times more quickly than text. Reading text is actually effort for the recipient, whereas graphics are relatively effort free.

Given that most direct mail is only handled for ten to twenty seconds it makes enormous sense to present content in a digestible format. This is especially the case in modern society where content is served in bite-sized packages and lifestyle is ultra-busy.




Marketing Messages are more likely to be remembered

Neural research has revealed that images and visual data are much more likely to be remembered. Our brains are incredible at remembering visual content. The brain recognises and actively looks for patterns and enjoys images as an easy way to process information. So, help the brains of your direct mail recipients by giving them plenty of visual content to digest. It is likely that these images will live long in the mind after the text has already been forgotten.

Do leave plenty of room for white space too!

Now we know this post is about adding images, but white space is important too. Don’t try to cram everything in too much that there is no white space. This will stress the brain of the reader, instead ensure there is a happy blend of text, images and white space. It’s always wise to remember that some white space actually makes it easier to digest an image!

Contact bakergoodchild to discuss image rich direct mail campaigns

Planning the insertion of images and visual content is important for your direct mail campaigns. We are direct mail experts here at bakergoodchild; give us a call on 0800 612 1972 to plan your next direct mail campaign. Visit our contact page to view all the ways to contact our company.

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