Customising Business Mail for Different Audiences: Clients, Partners, and Employees

Mar 28, 2024 | Blog Articles


In business, there’s rarely a one-size-fits-all approach, but especially so when it comes to communication. When you interact with clients, partners, employees, or any other professional entity, your interaction should always be specifically tailored for them. This goes for in-person conversations as well as physical and digital mail. Knowing exactly how to customise business mail can be the tricky part. If you’re interested in leveling-up your processes and improving your in-house communication, keep reading to learn more.

For Clients

Clients are the lifeblood of any business, and how you communicate with them will invariably affect their loyalty and satisfaction. Aside from marketing, mail is where much of your communication with clients and customers lie.

Customising this mail for clients goes beyond merely addressing them by their name or including some personal information. It involves understanding their preferences and capitalizing on any previous interactions to create a more personalised experience. An example of this might be including personalised offers or relevant product recommendations based on their purchase and search history, if that’s applicable to your business. Designing and executing tailored communication like this provides immense value and boosts the client’s connection to your brand as well.

For Partners

When communicating with partners of any kind, the tone inevitably shifts towards a more formal, professional approach. These communications tend to involve contracts, agreements, or important updates that require straight-to-the-point language. Customising business mail for partners means double-checking that the information is easily accessible and devoid of unnecessary jargon. Their time is valuable, and so is yours. Additionally, incorporating elements that reflect mutual goals and acknowledging the partnership’s value might help to reinforce the relationship, promoting continued collaboration. In some cases, this may not be applicable or appropriate, so use your professional judgment.

For Employees

Whereas clients are the lifeblood, employees are the backbone of any organisation, and how they perceive internal communications impacts their engagement and morale. Mail sent to employees—like payslips or policy updates—should always be clear, concise, and, where possible, touch on their contribution to the company. Customising business mail to include messages of appreciation or recognition for their hard work might seem unnecessary to do each time, but it helps promote a positive workplace culture. On top of this, making sure that the information is easily understandable and relevant to their roles will help improve the likelihood that they’re engaged when reading the content.

Incorporating Technology for Effective Customisation

For all three dedicated parties, leveraging technology is an excellent way to aid in the customisation process. Advanced printing and mailing solutions enable businesses to easily segment their audience and tailor communications accordingly. And, by utilising data analytics, companies are able to gain insights into the preferences and behaviours of their clients, partners, and employees, making room for more targeted and effective communication.

Discover how bakergoodchild can help transform the way you communicate with your business mail. Reach out to us today to learn more.